Email Parameter Group


Parameter Name



If AddNoteWhenEmailSent is TRUE, do you want to store the body of the email message in the Note?


If TRUE, whenever an email message is sent regarding an Order (as opposed to those for customers, suppliers, etc.), a Note will be added to the order. If FALSE, no notes will be added.


f TRUE, when you click a Send Email button, you will be able to change the destination email address. Changed addresses will NOT be stored.


Determines whether a Delete button will be available at the Email Template Editor.


If SendEmailIfCardDeclined is True and the reason the card is declined is due to bad AVS response, this email template is sent to the customer.


If SendEmailIfCardDeclined is True and the reason the card is declined is due to bad CVV2 response, this email template is sent to the customer.


When the Extended tag is used in order emails, base it on Unit Price * Quantity Ordered or Unit Price * Quantity Shipped?


If TRUE, when you import tracking numbers from FedEx, UPS or a .csv text file, or when you click Process Tracking Numbers (on the Maintenance Menu), an email message will be sent for each order that has a new tracking number. Only works if Email Send Method is set to Order Manager or Stack Controller .




Email confirmation messages to customers when orders are approved automatically by the program? Works with DefaultConfirmationTemplate to determine which email confirmation message, if any, will be sent when orders are approved automatically.


Email confirmation messages to customers when credits are issued? Works with DefaultCreditTemplate to set the default choice when posting applied credits or issuing credits at the Virtual Credit Card Terminal. Can be over-ridden by user.


This parameter tells the program whether or not to display the "Mail has been sent" message each time an email message is sent manually.


Email confirmation messages to customers when orders are APPROVED manually? Works with DefaultConfirmationTemplate to set the default choice when confirming orders manually. Can be over-ridden by user.


Email confirmation messages to customers when orders are entered manually? Works with DefaultConfirmationTemplate to set the default choice when adding orders manually. Can be over-ridden by user.


Sets the default for the Email Confirmation option that appears when you set expected or actual ship dates at View Orders.


Default email template for sending order confirmation messages.


Default template for sending email messages when credits are issued.


Default template for sending email messages when you set Expected or Actual Ship Dates.


Only used if BatchEmailForTrackingInfo is set to TRUE. This email template will be used if no other email template is specified for a particular shipper.


If True, PDF files created to attach to email messages will be deleted after they are sent. If False, they will not be deleted.


Only used if Email Send Method = "Order Manager". Set this parameter to your own email address if you want to have a copy of each email sent by OMS .


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager" and you also want an alternate SMTP server. Set this parameter to your own email address if you want to have a copy of each email sent by OMS .


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". The "From" email address you want to appear in your email messages. Example:


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager" and you also want an alternate SMTP server. The "From" email address you want to appear in your email messages. Example:


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". The "From" name you want to appear in your email messages. Example: Customer Service. Example 2: Bill Smith.


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager" and you also want an alternate SMTP server. The "From" name you want to appear in your email messages. Example: Customer Service. Example 2: Bill Smith.


Select method to use for sending email. Select "Default Email Program" to use your normal email program. Select "Outlook" to use Microsoft Outlook (must be installed on your computer). Select "Order Manager" to use OMS 's built-in email system (requires setting parameters SMTP Server, Email Domain, Email From Address, Email From Name and EmailBCCAddress). Note: Once this parameter is set, the old parameter Use Outlook For Email will be ignored.


Whatever text you enter here will appear in the email editing screen whenever you clear it for entering a free-form email message.

Notes: Limited to 255 characters. Use Control/Enter to end a line or leave a blank line.


Location of folder where program will look for email template text files. Must be an immediate subdirectory of folder where the store's data file (database) is located.


Email message to send when Fill Backorders form approves a completed order (all backorders filled either in the original order or in a new order). Leave blank to send no email message.


Email message to send when Fill Backorders form approves an incomplete order (some items still backordered) Leave blank to send no email message.


Default template to use for sending Quotes.


Set to True to have an email sent to the customer if a credit card sale or authorization is declined. Three different templates can be set up based on the type of decline. If the decline is for bad AVS the BadAVSEmailTemplate will be sent. If bad CVV2 code then BadCVV2EmailTemplate will be sent. For all other declines, CardDeclinedEmailTemplate will be sent.


This option lets you automatically send a copy of any email messages sent at View Orders, Approve Orders and Set Date Shipped to a 2nd email address. Set to TRUE to use this option. Set to FALSE to hide the extra field and turn off the option.


Only used if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". Set to Normal to use SMTP Server, Email Domain, Email From Address, Email From Name and EmailBCCAddress. Set to Alternate to use SMTP Server2, Email Domain2, Email From Address2, Email From Name2 and EmailBCCAddress2.


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the Password for SMTPServer1.


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the Password for SMTPServer2.


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". The SMTP server that you use for outgoing email. Example:


Only used if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". This is an optional alternate SMTP server that you can use for outgoing email if your normal SMTP server is not working. Example:


Enter the port number used on the SMTP server - Default Value = 25 (Only if using Order Manager as the Email Send Method)


Enter the port number used on the alternate SMTP server - Default Value = 25 (Only if using Order Manager as the Email Send Method)


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the user name for SMTPServer1.


Only required if EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the user name for SMTPServer2.


Enables Transport Layer Security ( TLS ), sometimes referred to as " SSL ", when connecting to your SMTP server. Please note that it may be necessary to change your server port (default 465) when using SMTP over TLS.


Enables Transport Layer Security (TLS), sometimes referred to as "SSL", when connecting to your SMTP server. Please note that it may be necessary to change your server port (default 465) when using SMTP over TLS.


Select "Ship Method Ship Date" to use the email template specified in the Ship Date Set Email Template drop-down list that appears on the third page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard. This will use a template based on the Shipping Method specified in the Order.

Select "Ship Method Confirm" to use the template specified in the Approval Email Template

drop-down list on the third page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard.

This will use a template based on the Shipping Method specified in the Order.

Select "Shipper Name" to use the email template identified in the Tracking Number Email Template drop-down list that can be accessed via the second page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard. Click the button labeled Shippers & their Shipping Methods. This will cause the program to use a template based on the shipper used regardless of the shipping method.

If none of the above methods are set the system will use the template in DefaultTrackNumEmailTemplate.

If all are null the email will NOT be sent!





Created: 3/8/11


Published: 04/14/16


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