Compact and Repair Database

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The procedures covered in this topic are for use with Microsoft Access databases only.

If data or objects are deleted from an MS Access database, the file can become fragmented and use disk space inefficiently. Using the Compact and Repair feature on a regular basis keeps an Access database from reaching the 2GB size limit. Once a file reaches that size it will cease to function.

The compact process makes a copy of the Access file and rearranges how the data is stored in the database on your disk.

Compacting an Access database that is in the format of a lower-level version of Access will not cause it to be converted to the format of the current version of Access that is installed.

Compact and Repair Program File

  1. Close OMS on the affected workstation.

  2. Manually make a backup copy of the program file (SEOrdMan.mdb) before proceeding.

  3. Press and hold down the [Shift] key while double-clicking the OMS shortcut icon on the desktop, until the MS Access database window opens.

  4. Go to Tools> Database Utilities> Compact and Repair.

  5. When the compaction process is complete, close out of the MS Access window and re-open OMS normally.

Manually Compact and Repair Store Data File

  1. Determine and make a note of the location of the current store data file by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C at the Main Menu of OMS .

  2. Close ALL instances of OMS (on every workstation).

  3. Close any shipping software that may be accessing the data file.

  4. Re-open one instance of OMS .

  5. Backup the store data file by clicking on the Backup Data File button on the Quick Clicks menu or by going to the Main Menu>Settings>Data Functions>Backup Data File.

The program will name the backup copy of the data file in the form, YourStoreName BACKUP YYYY-MMM-DD.mdb.

  1. Close OMS again.

  2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the location of your store file.

  3. Double-click on it to open the file.

  4. From the MS Access menu bar, go to Tools> Database Utilities> Compact and Repair.

If you encounter an error during the compact process and need to restore the data file from the backup, copy the most recent backup file and paste it into the folder where the data file normally resides. Rename the failing production data file (for example, mystore.mdb to mystore_bad.mdb) and then rename the backup copy to the production name (mystore.mdb). Re-open Stone Edge.

  1. Close the Microsoft Access database window and re-open OMS by clicking the desktop icon.

Created: 3/12/12

Revised: 1/31/13

Published: 04/14/16