Version 7.1
Contents of this Topic: Show
Line items can be cancelled or deleted from an order via this screen .
If the line item is cancelled, it will remain visible on the order, whereas if the line item is deleted, the line item will be removed from the order. In either case, the program will automatically update the available QOH of the affected item.
To be able to cancel a line item system parameter AllowDeleteLineItem must be to TRUE.
The Cancel Line Item screen is accessible via:
Main Menu>Accordion>Process My Orders> View and Process My Orders>Item tab>Delete Item link
Cancel Line Item screen
document the reason the line item was cancelled
this field is not applicable when deleting a line item
if this button is clicked, the selected line item is marked as cancelled, but remains on the order
the user must enter a reason for the cancellation of the line item
if this button is clicked, the selected line item is completely deleted from the order
use this button with caution, and it would be wise to secure the use of this button via the security system so that only a limited number of associates have access to it
click this button to exit the screen and return to the Process Orders screen
Created: 1/25/12