Backup MS Access Data File

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Description of the Backup MS Access Data File Function

MS Access Data Files

Making a Back Up Copy of an Access Data File

  1. Make sure all users have exited the program on all workstations. Any shipping applications that access the store data file must also be closed, such as UPS WorldShip or FedEx ShipManager.

  2. Launch the program on one workstation and log-in, if security is enabled.

  3. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Data Functions > Backup Data File or select Backup Data File from the Quick Clicks.

  4. The program prompts the user for confirmation prior to starting the backup process.


  5. Click OK to continue.

  6. If the program is not able to initiate a backup at this time, it displays a ist of actions to take prior to re-attempting the backup. Click OK, perform the actions and try again.


  7. When the backup is successful, the program displays a message box that tells you the name of the backup file.


  8. Click OK  to conclude the process.    

Restore a Backup Copy of an Access Data File

  1. Delete or rename the current copy of OMS ’s data file (the bad file that you want to replace). For example, if your store’s data file is called MyOrders.mdb, rename it to MyOrdersBadData.mdb.

  2. Go to the diirectory specified in the parameter ArchiveLocation and copy the backup data file that you want to restore. (Right-click the file and select Copy)

  3. Paste the data file you just copied into the directory where the store’s data file is located. (Right-click in the folder and select Paste)

Note: Do NOT delete the copy of the backup data file in the archive directory. You may need to restore from it in the future.

  1. Rename the backup data file you pasted in step 3 to the original name of your store’s data file, in this example,  MyOrders.mdb. (Right-click the file and select Rename. Change the name of the file in the highlighted box and press Enter.)

Note: Follow these basic directions to restore copies of your Custom Reports.mdb and Email Templates folder as well, if it ever becomes necessary.


Created: 2/27/12

Revised: 11/7/12

Published: 04/14/16