Alternate SKUs

Contents of this Topic: Show


Main Menu > Manage My Inventory > View and Manage My Inventory > Alternate Barcodes & SKUs > Add button  



Internal Logic

Description of the Screen

Alternate SKU screen

Primary SKU Field

Alternate SKU Field

Cart Assignment Section

Select All Button

Clear All Button

Product Data Override Section

Item Name Field

Category Drop-down List

Path Field

Image Field

Thumbnail Field

ASIN Field

ISBN Field

UPC Field

EAN Field

Description Field

Save Button

Cancel Button

How to Add an Alternate SKU to a Product Inventory Record

  1. Go to Main Menu > Manage My Inventory > View and Manage My Inventory.
  2. Navigate to the product inventory record.
  3. Select the Alternate Barcode & SKUs tab.
  4. Select Add next to the Alternate SKUs list box.
  5. Enter a value in the Alternate SKU field.
  6. Click Select All to indicate the carts to which the Alternate SKU applies. While it is recommended to assign all alternates to all shopping carts, it is possible to double-click the row on an individual shopping cart in the Cart Assignment list.
  7. Optional: If it is desirable use different values in certain fields for the Alternate SKU than those of the Primary SKU, enter that information in the Product Data Override section of the screen.
  8. Click Save.

Additional Information



Created: 1/10/12

Revised: 11/5/13

Published: 04/14/16