In this Topic: Show
The [Print] button on the Orders screen opens the Print Paperwork screen, which is used to print Sales Receipts (Invoices), PackingSlips, Mailing Labels and/or Shipping Labels (integrated shipping software only) outside the normal order approval and paperwork printing process.
Figure 1: Print Paperwork screen
When the screen opens, the number of copies of each category of report is populated with the values that were specified in Page 2 of the Printing and Report Options section of the Setup Wizard.
Over-type the number of copies in any of the four categories as necessary.
If one of the integrated shipping software solutions is being used, check the Shipping Label box to print a shipping label for the order.
Click the [Print Now] button to send the reports to the printer immediately or click the [Print Later] button to add the reports to the Batch Printing queue.
If the program's Print Recovery feature is in use, the program will retain a copy of all printed reports (except for shipping labels which are not re-printable) for a specified number of days in the event that there is a malfunction during the printing of the reports. Refer to system parameters , UsePrintRecovery and PrintRecoveryDays which can be found in the Reports parameter group.
Created: 12/22/10
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