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Drop Ship Tracking Screen

In this Topic: Show


Tracking information for shipments that were sent by a drop-ship supplier can be entered into the Order Manager by any of the following methods:

This topic discusses the first method of entering tracking information into the Order Manager. To learn more about importing tracking information from a text file, review the Knowledge Base topics, Tracking Numbers and Import Tracking Data Screen. For more information about the Tracking Numbers Screen, refer to its Knowledge Base page.  

Description of the Drop Ship Tracking Screen

Figure 1: Drop Ship Tracking screen (Enter Drop Ship Tracking)

Fields and Controls on the Drop Ship Tracking Screen

Select Drop Ships to Edit Section

PO Number Field
Order Number Field
Supplier Field
Clear List Button

Import Tracking Data Button

Exit Button

Tracking Number Field

Date Shipped Field

Apply to All Button

Restart Button

View Order Button

Split Button

Post Data Button

Data Sheet Section of the Screen

Supplier Column
PO # Column
Order # Column
Item # Column
Local SKU Column
Tracking #  Column
Date Shipped Column
Quantity Column
Unit Cost Column
Supplier's SKU Column
Item Name Column
SubTotal Column
Freight Column
Fees Column
Discounts Column
Total Column


Using the Drop Ship Tracking Screen

  1. From the Main Menu, click the Purchase Orders link in the Inventory section of the screen to open the Purchase Orders screen; or select Purchase Orders from the list of functions found on the Inventory & Suppliers tab of the Maintenance Menu.

  2. In the upper right-hand corner of the Purchase Orders screen, click the [Drop Ship Tracking] button.

Figure 2: Purchase Orders screen - Drop Ship Tracking button

  1. When the Drop Ship Tracking screen will opens, build a list of line items in the Data Sheet section of the screen by using one or more of the fields in the Select Drop Ships to Edit section of the screen.  

For instance, select a supplier from the Supplier drop-down list, which will populate the lower portion of the screen with all of the open drop-ship purchase order line items that were shipped by that supplier.

Figure 3: Drop Ship Tracking Screen with sample data

To add one line items by a specific drop-ship purchase order number or by a specific order number, enter the desired value in those fields. Any records (line items) that apply to those selection criteria will be added to the list of orders in the data sheet section of the screen.

  1. If the list of line items in the data sheet section of the screen were all sent in the same shipment, enter the applicable tracking number in the Tracking Number field that is outlined in red, above. Click the [Apply to All] button.  

If the list in the data sheet portion of the screen consists of line items that have different tracking numbers, manually type the appropriate tracking number in the appropriate row of the Tracking # column in the data sheet section of the screen, as outlined in blue, above.

  1. If the list of line items in the data sheet section of the screen were all sent in the same shipment, enter the date the package or packages were shipped in the Date Shipped field that is outlined in red, above. Click the [Apply to All] button.   

If the list in the data sheet portion of the screen consists of line items that have different ship dates, manually type the appropriate date that the package was shipped in the appropriate row of the Date Shipped column in the data sheet section of the screen, as outlined in blue, above. Click the [Apply to All] button.  

  1. Enter any additional costs, such as Freight, Fees or Discounts in the appropriate columns for each affected line item. The Unit Cost field will change if any of these items are added at this time.

  2. When all of the data has been entered correctly, click the [Post Data] button to have the program update the Order Manager tables with the ship date and tracking information data.


Related Topics


Created: 4/6/11

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