In this Topic: Show
If a user runs different reports for a given time period and the results do not match, it is most likely because different reports use different dates. For example, the "Sales Tax" report uses the Order Date but the "Sales Tax from History" report uses the History date. Each report is designed to present information in different ways.
To determine which report template is used by the program when a report title is selected at the Print Reports screen , go to the Main Menu> Maintenance Menu> Maintenance tab> System Parameters > Parameter Group: Reports. Refer to the Report System Parameter Group article for details about parameters that affect reports.
As far as sales reports are concerned, since most merchants do not agree on which date constitutes an actual sale, we offer a number of different sales reports that use different dates. For example, one merchant may consider the date they got paid to be the actual sale date while another merchant may consider the date the order was placed to be the actual sale date. We suggest that the merchant and their accountant decide which date constitutes an actual sale and then use only those reports which use that date.
Accounting Summary - AccountingSummaryTemplate
Provides an order level detail of Gross Sales, Taxes, Shipping, Surcharges, Discounts, Returns, Net Sales (gross-returns) and Cost of Goods.
Can provide a summary breakdown for approved orders, pending orders and for the full report.
The report can be run as a "summary only", eliminating the order level detail.
Gross sales data is reported based on the "quantity shipped" rather than the "quantity ordered".
Can be based on three different dates which produces different values for SOME numbers
Order date
Detail date
Actual Shipped date
User defined date range
Based on the actual order data
Changes based on order revisions
Sales Tax - SalesTaxTemplate
Designed to give a state level breakdown of taxes collected
Depending on format can also provide taxable sales data
Based on Order Date
Report assumes all line items are taxable
Assumes the Bill To state for tax reporting – based on sale not destination
Detailed Sales - DetailedSalesTemplate
Gives the user an item level breakdown by order of SKU , name, product category, net items sold (shipped minus returns), price, cost, margins, date entered and date shipped
Can be based on Order Date or Actual Date Shipped
Can be limited to certain products or inventory category
Pulls information directly from the Order data so information can change within a given period
Informational report not designed for accounting purposes
Credit Card Deposits - CreditCardDepositsTemplate
Based on Transaction date
One or more transactions dates per order
Pulls from transactions table
Limited to the four primary card types
Best used to verify charges against gateway
Will seldom balance against sales for the same period
Sales Analysis - SalesAnalysisTemplate
Provides a product level breakdown of MTD/YTD comparison to LMTD/LYTD sales based upon criteria specified by user
Report is run against Order Details and will change over time
Uses Actual Ship Date and will not be accurate if actual ship date not set
SKUs no longer listed in the Inventory table will not be included in the report results regardless of date shipped
Sales and Cost of Goods – SalesAndCOGTemplate
Provides gross sales (based on quantity shipped) and gross costs, Return sales and costs, net sales and costs
Determines margin based on net sales - net cost
Report can be based on Transaction Date or Actual Date Shipped
Can repeat sales data in multiple periods if based on transaction date
Daily Audit - DailyAuditTemplate
Summary report based on transaction audit system
Auditing system based on Transaction Date
Auditing system only audits standard payment methods
Best used for verification of charges against gateway
Accounting Summary - New Report
Returns same type of data provided by Accounting Summary Report
Based on Order "History" thus single Date used
Only reports on approved orders
Initial History generated at time order is approved
Additional history written as changes are made
History information dated at time change is made
Report results DO NOT change over time
More accurate accounting results
Sales Tax From History Report
Pulls data from "History"
Based on a single date
Data does not change over time
Calculates Taxable sales values correctly
Correct state identified
Accurate for accounting purposes
For information on the availability of the following history reports, contact Stone Edge Technologies.
Sales and Cost of Goods
Sales Analysis
Journal entry style for use with other accounting applications (i.e. QuickBooks)
Adjustment reports
Shipping Profit & Loss
For additional information about any of the standard reports listed above or to discuss your custom reporting needs, contact Stone Edge Technologies.
Created: 1/19/12
Modified: 9/12/13
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