Version 8 FM
Contents of this Topic: Show
This topic provides instructions for selecting the standard shipping carriers and methods you use in the Monsoon Fulfillment Manager and mapping them to the corresponding shipping method defined in the Monsoon Order Manager.
Go to File>Setup>Shipping.
Select Configure Shipping Methods.
Select UPS, FedEx, USPS, or Other, depending on the carrier(s) you use.
The carrier's shipping method names are displayed in Carrier's Name.
Scroll down to any shipping method you use and select Use This Method. If you use all of the carrier's methods, Select All. To stop using all of a carrier's shipping methods, select Clear All.
Enter the shipping method name defined in the Monsoon Order Manager in Your Name. If you have multiple shopping carts and they use different names for the same carrier shipping method name, select Duplicate to create another entry. The value entered in Your Name must exactly match the Order Manager's shipping method name, which should also match the name in the shopping cart..
Real-time rates are only available for UPS shipments. To check the UPS rates online, select Use Real-Time Rates. To enable Real-Time Rates for all of the UPS shipping methods, select Set All. To stop using Real-Time Rates, select Clear All.
"DAZzle" automatically appears in Export File for any USPS shipping method when Endicia DAZzle is configured as a shipping carrier.
Use the vertical scroll bar to view shipping methods which are not visible when this screen is initially opened. Repeat these steps to enter information for each carrier and method that you want to use.
Select OK.
Created: 1/27/14
Revised: 6/18/15
Published: 08/19/15