Troubleshooting Integration with Miva Merchant

Miva 4.XX Users: For information on Difficulty Downloading Products and Performing Inventory Synchronization, see below.


Communication Errors


Many (but not all) errors that occur when the Order Manager attempts to communicate with Miva Merchant indicate a problem with the script URL in the shopping cart setup. The following instructions will help you copy and paste the correct secure URL into the shopping cart setup and what to do if you get an error when you test it.


The errors that you may get when testing communication between the Order Manager and Miva Merchant fall into three categories: Miva Script errors, Internet Server errors, and Order Manager errors.


Copy the site's secure URL


    1. Log into the Administration area of your Miva Merchant shopping cart.

    2. If you are using Simple Administration (in versions 4.XX and above), click the Switch to the Advanced Administration link in the top right corner of the Welcome page.

    3. Click on Domain Settings in the Navigation pane.

    4. Click on Site Configuration.

    5. Select and copy the URL shown in the Secure URL to Miva Merchant field OMITTING or merchant.mvc at the very end of the URL. Note: If the Secure URL to Miva Merchant field is blank, your site may not be setup with a SSL certificate. You cannot setup your shopping cart without one. Contact your site hosting company to purchase a certificate and then install it.


Edit the shopping cart settings


    1. Open the Order Manager.

    2. Go to Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Cart Functions>Create/Edit Shopping Carts or Quick Clicks>Create/Edit Shopping Carts.

    3. Select the appropriate shopping cart from the Current Carts List.

    4. Click Edit.

    5. Paste the URL into the Script URL field, ADDING the Miva Merchant Version Number (click on Main in the menu on the left in Miva Merchant), "/modules/export/" and the file name at the end, e.g. 4.24/modules/export/omxmlexp.mvc.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click the Test button. If the test is successful, you will see the message "Test passed! Script Version = X.XX".

    8. Click Close.


Miva Script Errors


Error: You do not have administrative rights

  1. Check to make sure the Username and Password are correct in the shopping cart setup.

  2. Double-check the username and password by logging into Miva Merchant.

Can you see Domain Settings, Modules, and Users in the menu on the left?

  1. If no, user does not have administrative rights. Contact your administrator.

  2. If yes, check the version of Miva Merchant and compare it to the version in the Script URL in the shopping cart setup. Edit the Script URL, if necessary.


Error: Cannot open store file

  1. Check the Store Code in the shopping cart setup.

  2. Check the store code in Miva Merchant. Go to Advanced Administration>Stores>[your store name]>Identification.

  3. If both are the same, check the version of Miva Merchant and compare it to the version in the Script URL in the shopping cart setup. Edit the Script URL, if necessary.


Error: User can import orders but not inventory

Call Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.


Error: No tags found in Download File: Cannot Continue OR Order Header Missing from this download OR Response Header Missing from this download


This error is frequently due to the wrong Payment Module ID number being recorded in the order in Miva Merchant. When our export module processes the order, it retrieves this ID number so that it may ask the Payment module some questions. Since the order has the wrong ID number recorded, our script gets an error because it ends up asking the questions to a module that cannot answer it because it does not contain the payment module function calls our script is looking for.


  1. Go to Advanced Administration in Miva Merchant.

  2. Open the last batch that was exported to the Order Manager.

  3. Review each order's payment information until one won't display and you get a run-time error in the Miva Admin screen which does not match the error above. Note the order number of the record and call the hosting company, your web developer or Miva Technical Support to have them correct the bad data. If all orders are okay, call Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.


Internet Server Errors


Error: Invalid URL

Check the script URL in the shopping cart setup.


Error: Name Not Resolved

Check the script URL in the shopping cart setup.


Error: Proxy errors

Contact your Local Area Network ( LAN ) administrator.


Error: Internet connection reset – server times out

This error occurs when you download a large amount of data from your Miva store. The server connection times out because you are downloading too many records at one time.

  1. If the error occurs when downloading products or customers: Go to Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Cart Functions>Shopping Cart Functions.

    1. Click on the appropriate store.

    2. In the Import Data from Miva Merchant section, decrease the Maximum number of products or customers to download at a time. Note: The value you enter in this field is not saved when you exit the screen. The value applies to the current download only.

  2. If the error occurs when downloading orders: In System Parameters, go to the Miva group and set MivaMaxOrderDownload to a lesser amount (the default is 100).


Error: Secure Cert Date Invalid

This error is due to an expired SSL certificate on your web server. You will need to contact your hosting company or Web Developer to have them renew the SSL certificate. In the meantime you can set a parameter in the Order Manager to allow the system to bypass this error. In System Parameters, go to the Program group and set the parameter IgnoreSecureCertificateErrors to True. This is a temporary work-around and the parameter should be set back to False once your SSL Certificate has been updated on the website.


Error: Page not found

Check the script URL in the shopping cart setup.


Error: Permission denied

The user does not have permission to run scripts from the export directory on the server. Contact your hosting company to get the appropriate permissions.


Error: Secure Invalid CA (Certificate Authority)

The website's secure certificate is not from a trusted source. Refer to your Internet browser's instructions for installing secure certificates.


Error: Invalid Server Response

The website does not have a secure certificate. You must install a secure certificate on your website.


Error: Secure Invalid Cert

Your website's secure certificate is invalid.


Error: Secure Invalid CN (Common Name)

This error is caused by a shared SSL certificate on your web server. In other words, the Shared Certificate is registered to the hosting company, not your website. We recommend that you get your own SSL Certificate rather than using a shared certificate, however, this is optional. If you do not want to get your own certificate you can set a parameter in the Order Manager to allow the system to bypass this error. In System Parameters, go to the Program group and set the parameter IgnoreSecureCertificateErrors to True. If you change the site to use your own SSL Certificate, you should set the parameter to False.


Order Manager Errors


Error: When downloading orders, the user gets file or path errors, disc or network errors

Either the NewOrders location or the DataArchives location or both are entered incorrectly on the Order Processing tab in the Setup Wizard or the paths may be inaccessible to the user. If re-entering the locations on the Order Processing tab doesn't resolve the error, double-check the NewOrderLocation or ArchiveLocation System Parameters in the Order group.



Error: Run-time errors

These errors will display "Run-time error" or something similar in the message box. Record the error number and error message (take a screen shot or leave it up on the screen if possible) before calling Stone Edge Technologies, Inc. Do not ignore run-time errors because they can corrupt your data.



Difficulty Downloading Products and Performing Inventory Synchronization


Miva 4.XX users who encounter difficulty downloading products and performing inventory synchronization, i.e. very slow download speeds, missing options, or a lack of status updating when products come back in stock (Viking Coders Inventory Manager module), should go to the Stone Edge Software Download Gateway Web page and download and install Export Module version 2.300. If installing the updated Export Module does not resolve your issue, contact Stone Edge Technologies Tech Support with your contact information and an administration account for a technician to log into your Miva store to troubleshoot the problem.