Shopping Carts and 3rd Party Software > Shopping Carts and Marketplaces > SE V5.9 > XCart > Real-time Inventory Tracking with XCart [Legacy KB]
XCart users who need to synchronize inventory counts between Order Manager and XCart must ensure that the shopping cart and Order Manager have an accurate initial count, and occasionally monitor the quantity counts in both places to ensure the two are in sync. If they are not in sync, the user should take steps to re-synchronize inventory.
Initial Setup
Determine whether Order Manager or XCart contains the most accurate count of your inventory.
If XCart contains the most accurate inventory count, use the Shopping Cart Functions form to "Get QOH From Website". You can leave the Create Records for New Products check box unchecked.
If Order Manager’s count is more accurate or you plan to count inventory and enter it into Order Manager, you should use "Send QOH to Website" to do the initial synchronization after ensuring your count is correct.
Enabling Synchronization
First, turn on system-wide quantity-on-hand (QOH) synchronization by setting the SynchQOH parameter (in the Program group) to True. Note: You will not see the Synchronize Inventory check box on the Shopping Carts form unless you set the parameter first. Next, go to the XCart shopping cart from the Create/Edit Shopping Carts screen. Click in the Synchronize Inventory check box and save the changes. Repeat for each XCart shopping cart in your store data file.
Each time an item's QOH count is changed for any reason, e.g. filling a backorder, placing a phone order, receiving a purchase order, or importing orders from your shopping cart, the inventory level between your XCart store and the Order Manager is updated. The Order Manager uses the stack controller to send the updated information to XCart. The website should respond within seconds and update the QOH count to match the changes in Order Manager. You can test this interaction yourself by performing any of the tasks listed above and monitoring the QOH count of the appropriate products in your store. If the count is not adjusted within roughly two minutes, consult the Setting Up a Shared Post Stack Controller article in case there is a problem on your website or with the import script.
Over time, it is possible that sporadic errors or delays in transmission will cause the count of your products on your website to be different from the Order Manager’s count. Additionally, performing certain tasks such as importing inventory from your website alters the QOH count of products in the Order Manager. In any case, whether the count is inaccurate in the Order Manager or on your website, you can use the Shopping Cart Functions form to re-submit or re-download QOH counts to and from your XCart shopping cart. QOH counts should be monitored frequently during early deployment of the QOH synchronization system and at regular intervals thereafter (no more than a week is advisable).
See Also
Setting Up an XCart Shopping Cart
Setting Up a Shared Post Stack Controller
Modified 1/10/11