Amazon Seller Central Setup with Amazon Merchant Transport Utility

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This integration is in beta testing at the present time.  

Amazon Merchant Transport Utility is a free tool provided by Amazon for its Professional level customers to exchange order information between an Amazon web store and other external applications, such as Monsoon OMS.

It is a direct replacement for Semplice by Wrinklebrain, and basically operates in the same fashion.

The workstation designated to import orders must have this service running at all times so order information can be retrieved from Amazon.


  1. Contact Amazon Support and request your Amazon Order Reports are generated in XML format.
  2. Download AMTU and install it on a networked computer running Monsoon OMS.
  3. Launch the program and name your Account (i.e. My Amazon USA Account).
  4. Set the proper country for the account (you can have international accounts configured as well).
  5. Choose a directory for the AMTU Folder structure (i.e. C:\StoneEdge\AMTU)

  1. Feel free to leave the default retrieval settings on the next page.
  2. Enter your MWS Account Credentials (If you click the link to Open MWS Website, choose I want to access my own Amazon seller account with MWS and use those credentials).
  3. Once the application is installed, navigate to the AMTU folder structure (in this example, C:\StoneEdge\AMTU\Production\Incoming).
  4. Right-click on Reports, choose Properties, and Sharing.
  5. Select Share and type Everyone in the group of people to add, and provide them with read/write permissions.
  6. Select Share and then Done.
  7. Record the “Share Name” for use in a later step.

  1. Select Advanced Sharing and Permissions. Set the Permissions for Everyone to Allow Full Control, Change, and Read.

  1. Select OK twice and then close.
  2. Repeat steps 9 - 13 with the “outgoing” folder (in this example, C:\StoneEdge\AMTU\production\outgoing) and record the Share name.
  3. Open Monsoon OMS and set system parameter AmazonUseWASHSystem = TRUE. Select Save.
  4. Go to Main Menu>Settings>System Functions>Shopping Carts.
  5. Select Add New.
  1. Create a new Amazon Seller Central shopping cart. In the Semplice IP:Port field, enter your computer name (in this example,  POLTCS04:8001)
  2. Add the “Reports” shared folder as the Inbound Folder, and the “outgoing” folder to the Outbound Folder field. Your screen should look like the shot below for this example.

  1. Keep in mind that AMTU must be running at all times to retrieve order files from Amazon. Now that the AMTU is configured, orders can be imported directly into Monsoon OMS by selecting Import via Internet on the Import my Orders screen.

Send data to Amazon

The Additional Functions section of the Shopping Carts screen is where you send tracking data back to Amazon.  

Until there is data to send, the Send Amazon Data to Semplice - Nothing to Send link is displayed. When there is data to send back to Amazon, the link text changes to Send Amazon Data to Semplice. Simply select the link to send tracking data back to Amazon.


Created: 5/20/15

Revised: 8/14/15

Published: 09/08/15