Enter Barcodes

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Description of the Enter Barcodes Screen

Enter Barcodes screen

Sort By: Section

SKU Radio Button

Item Name Radio Button

Ascending Radio Button

Descending Radio Button

Find: Section

SKUs starting with Field

Names starting with Field

Datasheet Section (Grid)

SKU Column

Item Name Column

Barcode Column

How to Enter a Barcode for an Inventory Item via the Enter Barcodes Screen

  1. Changes made at this screen take effect immediately. When making mass changes it is advisable to first backup the store data file.

  2. If a barcode scanner has not yet been configured for use with SEOM, complete those steps before continuing with these instructions.

  3. Use the Sort by: radio buttons or Find: fields to view the inventory records in the desired sequence.

  4. Click anywhere in the row of a product seen in the Datasheet (Grid).

  5. Scan the barcode of the product to see it populated in the Barcode column of the Enter Barcodes screen.

  6. If the incorrect barcode is inadvertently scanned, simply scan the correct barcode, while the same product record is still selected. The program will prompt the user for confirmation before replacing the existing data in the grid.

  1. Click [OK] to continue making the change, or [Cancel] to abandon the change.

  2. When finished adding barcodes, use the Accordion or Main button to navigate to another location in the program.


Additional Information

Barcodes and Barcode Scanners

Configuring a Metrologic Voyager Barcode Scanner (MS9520)


Created: 8/2/11

Revised: 9/5/13

Published: 04/14/16