Version 7.1
Contents of this Topic: Show
The Audit Data tab is used to enter the actual amounts received during the period to balance against the reported amounts. For currency collected, enter the number (count) of each denomination, not the monetary value, into the Bills and Coins columns. For checks, enter the dollar amount of each check received into the Amount field(s) under the Checks column. For Credit Cards and other user defined payment methods, enter the total amount reported by the payment gateway or payment terminal for the given period into the Actual Deposit field(s).
Main Menu>Settings>Order Functions>Daily Audit
Go to the Main Menu>Settings>System Functions>Set System Parameters. Enter "audit" in the Search For: box at the top of the screen as pictured below:
Review the parameters that affect the Daily Audit (POS, Program, and Report parameter groups) and choose the appropriate settings according to the business needs.
AuditCurrentDayOnly - If TRUE, the Daily Audit form and report reflect data for the current date only. If FALSE, the merchant will be able to enter a date range. This parameter can also be set at the POS Setup: Miscellaneous tab, and determines if the Calendar button is visible on the Daily Audit screen.
AuditIncludeDrawerCloseInCash - Set this parameter to TRUE to enter all bills and coins in the cash drawer into the daily audit screen, including the closing amount to be left in the drawer.
AuditPOSOnly - If TRUE, only transactions from orders entered at the POS form or at the Manual Orders form with the POS option selected will be included in the Daily Audit. If FALSE, transactions from all orders, including Internet orders, will be included in Daily Audits. This parameter can also be set at the POS Setup: Miscellaneous tab.
DailyAuditForm - choose the form to use for Daily Audits. "Daily Audit" is in United States' currency. "Daily Audit UK" is in British currency.
DailyAuditReportShowTransactions - Set to TRUE to show all transactions for a given audit on the Daily Audit Report
DailyAuditTemplate - Name of the report to use for printing Daily Audit data. Presently, there is only one Daily Audit report that is supplied with the program. If a custom report is created, type the name into the field rather than selecting the standard report from the drop-down list.
DrawerStart - Amount of cash that is put into each cash register at the beginning of each day. Do not include a decimal point or dollar sign.
POSTrackTransactionsByShift - Set to false to turn off the shift tracking system at the POS. If this system is turned off, you cannot run the Daily Audit by Shift, you can only run the audit by date or by register. This parameter can also be set at the POS Setup: Miscellaneous tab.
Select Save after changing the setting of each system parameter.
The top of the Daily Audit screen changes slightly depending on the value selected in the Audit By drop-down list, as shown by the images below.
Date - offers the ability to enter the amount of cash or checks received by a salesperson, as well as review all transaction data for the current date or a range of dates.
The image below shows the screen when a Salesperson is selected from the Entered By drop-down list and the Audit By selection is Date. The starting amount of cash is set to $50.
Once an audit of each type (Date, Register, or Shift) has been posted in the system, a new tab, PAST AUDITS, is visible and contains a list of previous audits.
Select Reprint to print a copy the selected audit report.
Select Close to exit the Daily Audit screen.
If the Daily Audit is set up to include transactions on the report, the transaction list will only print on the initial printing of the audit report. Changes can be made to the transactions after the initial printing which would cause discrepancies when reprinting.
At the end of each salesperson’s shift (or whenever an audit of the workstation’s transactions is to be performed), the shift must be "closed" in OMS .
The Close Shift, (ZOut) function is assigned to the SHIFT+F1 key combination by default.
Refer to Knowledge Base article, Ending a Shift, for more details.
Refer to the User Guide or the Knowledge Base page, POS Setup - Hot Keys, for more information about adding or changing hot key assignments.
Created: 1/19/12
Revised: 1/28/15
Published: 04/14/16