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U-PIC is discounted package insurance for shipments sent by major carriers such as UPS, U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, etc. The package is delivered by the shipping carrier but it is insured by U-PIC, saving the merchant hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars every year. For information, please go to
Set system parameter UPICClientID to the value that is provided by U-PIC. No other setup is required. Refer to Knowledge Base topic, Set System Parameters for instructions.
Once this parameter is set there will be a selection labeled U-PIC on the Shipping & Fulfillment tab of the Maintenance Menu. It may also be added to the Quick Clicks which can be accessed at the Main Menu.
Click this function once per month to send a report to U-PIC with information about the previous month's shipments.
U-PIC fees are based on the Declared Value of the shipment. If a shipment has no declared value, the shipment information will not be sent to U-PIC.
If you have previously elected to use the insurance provided by an integrated shipping carrier, you must reverse those settings or you will be double-billed for insurance.
for Endicia DAZzle, set system parameter DAZzleDefaultInsurance=UPIC
for UPS Online Tools, go to the UPS Default Settings page (fifth page of wizard) and clear the check mark from Default Insure Shipment
Carrier (FedEx, UPS, etc.)
Destination Country
Pickup Date
Declared Value
Tracking ID
Shipping Method
Created: 4/1/11
Revised: 10/19/12
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