The Order Manager uses hundreds of System Parameters to tailor the program to a merchant's way of doing business.
Each system parameter is associated with a particular parameter group, based on its function. One way of viewing system parameters is to select a specific Parameter Group at the Set System Parameters screen . It is also possible to search for a parameter by entering a portion of its name.
While some parameters could logically belong to more than one parameter group, the program only assigns a parameter to a single group. Be sure to look for other related group names when researching the available parameters for a particular function.
To change a system parameter, go to the Maintenance Menu and double-click [Set System Parameters] from the list of links, or select [System Parameters] from the Quick Clicks on the Main Menu. For instructions, review the Knowledge Base topic Set System Parameters.
This topic describes the parameters that are part of the Packing parameter group.
Parameter Name |
Comments |
DazzleUseScale |
Set to True if you wish to use a scale within Dazzle. Order Manager will NOT send a weight to Dazzle in this case. Set to False if you do NOT use an electronic scale, use a scale within Order Manager, and want the weight sent to Dazzle from Order Manager. |
DefaultBox |
Default box to use for shipping. |
DefaultDescriptionOfGoods |
For international shipments. |
DefaultDHLPackageType |
The two options are Customer Packaging or Letter. |
DefaultFedexCODType |
Default COD Type for ShipRush. Choices are None, Any, Guaranteed Funds, Currency. |
DefaultFedexPackageType |
Default package type for ShipRush. To numerous to list here, review the possibilities at the Set System Parameters screen. |
DefaultUPSCODType |
Default COD Type for ShipRush. All, Cash Only, Cashier's Check or MO, Cashier's check, Check or MO. |
DefaultUPSPackageType |
Default package type for ShipRush. For UPS shipping via Order Manager (without ShipRush), use UPSDefaultPackageType. To numerous to list here, review the possibilities at the Set System Parameters screen. |
DefaultUSPSPackageType |
For use with ShipRush. The selected Package type will default the Package Type drop down list to the selected value. |
DeletePackingData |
If True, packing data will be deleted based on the setting of PackingRetentionDays. If False, packing data will be retained indefinitely. |
FedexStoreDetails |
Store extensive details about each ShipRush Fedex shipment in the Tracking table? |
Packing Form |
Select Packing Only to use the original form for just scanning items as you pack them. Select Pack & Ship for the form that also prints UPS, Fedex and USPS shipping labels. |
PackingAllowCapture |
If True, the Packing Form will be able to capture pre-approved credit card charges for unpaid balances prior to shipping. Also see PackingAllowShipIfNotPaid. |
PackingAllowChangeShipMethod |
If True, you will be able to change the shipping method for each order at the Packing Form. If False, you will not be able to change shipping methods there. |
PackingAllowChargeCard |
If True, the Packing Form will be able to charge credit cards for unpaid balances prior to shipping. Also see PackingAllowShipIfNotPaid. |
PackingAllowIfDoNotShip |
If True, when you try to pack an order from a customer marked Do Not Ship To, the program will warn you but allow the order to be shipped. If False, you will not be able to ship the order. |
PackingAllowQuickShip |
Allow for the use of the QuickShip feature? |
PackingAllowRepack |
If True, the Packing Form will include a button that lets you delete all packing data for an order and re-pack it. |
PackingAllowShipIfNotPaid |
If False, the Packing Form will not print labels for orders that are not paid in full. (It will allow orders that have a Credit Due, but not a Balance Due.) |
PackingAllowShipIncomplete |
If False, the Packing Form will not allow you to ship a package that does not include all expected items . If True, partial shipments will be allowed. |
PackingAllowViewOrder |
If True, the Packing Form will include a View Order button. If False, that button will be hidden. |
PackingAllPackedSound |
Full path to a WAV sound file that the program should play when the last item in an order has been scanned for packing. |
PackingAutoReadScale |
If True and the Order Manager is configured to use a scale, it will read the scale automatically when you close a box at Pack & Ship. |
PackingAutoShipWhenCloseBox |
If True, orders with complete data will be sent to Dazzle or ShipRush for printing as soon as you scan the order number a second time to close the box or click Ship Incomplete or Start Another Box. If False, you will have to click the "Print Label" button to print each label after the box is closed. |
PackingCalculateWeight |
Set this parameter to True to have the Packing form calculate the weight of the shipment from the values recorded in the Order Detail records. Set to false to turn off weight calculations. This assumes you will use a scale or will manually enter the weight value. |
PackingDefaultShipperEmail |
Sets the default state of the Have shipper send email? check box at the Pack & Ship screen. |
PackingExitOption |
When the Pack & Ship form is closed, process tracking numbers automatically, ask user whether to process them, or neither? |
PackingFedexID |
Your FedEx serial number for Federal Express shipments. |
PackingLockDate |
If True, you will not be able to modify the date field that is saved for Actual Ship Dates. Does not apply to Dazzle and ShipRush orders, where the pickup date cannot be over-ridden. |
PackingLockGiftMessage |
If False, the packer can enter and edit Gift Messages. If True, that field will be locked. |
PackingLockNotes |
If False, the packer can enter and edit Order Notes . If True, that field will be locked. |
PackingLockWeight |
If True, the weight for each box will come from the Order record or an electronic scale, and cannot be entered manually. If False, you can enter a revised weight manually. Modified weights will be saved back in the Order record. |
PackingLookbackDays |
For Pack by SKU , how far back should it look for orders to pack? Enter # of days. Uses Order Date. Enter zero to ignore the date. |
PackingPrintInvoices |
If True, the Pack & Ship form will default to printing your standard number of invoices and packing slips for each order you pack. If False, both options will default to zero. |
PackingRequireBox |
At Pack & Ship, require the operator to select a box for each shipment? |
PackingRetentionDays |
Tells the program how long to retain packing information. Enter a number of days (e.g. enter 60 to keep data for 60 days). Set to 0 (zero) to not store packing data at all. |
PackingSetToCurrentUser |
If True, the Pack Orders screen will default the Packer to the current Order Manager user. |
PackingShipIfNotPaidTiming |
If the parameter PackingAllowShipIfNotPaid is set to False, this parameter determines when the program checks to see if the order is paid or not. If OrderCheck is selected the program will check to see if the order is paid immediately when trying to pull it up. It will not allow the order to be pulled up if the order is not paid. If PackOrShipCheck is selected, the program will check to see if the order is paid when a user tries to perform a function that would record packing data or print a shipping label. If an order is not paid at that point, it will not allow the data to be recorded. This option allows a user to collect payment from the Pack and Ship form. |
PackingShowImages |
If True, the Packing form will display product images as they are packed. |
PackingShowKits |
If TRUE, the packing form will show Kits and let you confirm that Kits have been packed. It will NOT show the Parts in each Kit. If FALSE, the packing form will show and let you confirm the packing of kit Parts, but not the Kit SKUs. |
PackingSkipSecondScan |
Only used for the simple Packing system - NOT used for Pack & Ship. If True, you will not have to do the second scan of the order number or click the button to start the next box. Instead, you will be able to go directly to packing the next box. Use with PackingAllPackedSound to play a sound when each box is complete. |
PackingUseDazzle |
If True, the Packing Form will be able to print USPS shipping labels via Endicia's Dazzle program. Requires an Endicia account. (To use Endicia via ShipRush, set this to False and PackingUseShipRushUSPS to True.) |
PackingUseDHL |
If True, the Order Manager will be able to print DHL shipping labels. Requires a DHL account and ShipRush. DHL is no longer supported as of ShipRush Version 6. |
PackingUseFedex |
If True, the Order Manager will be able to print Fedex shipping labels. Requires a Fedex account. |
PackingUseKeypadForQuantity |
If True, when you pack a line item with quantity greater than 1, a keypad will appear where you can say how many were packed. If False, you will have to scan each item individually, or enter the quantity manually on the form. |
PackingUseShipRushUSPS |
If True, the Order Manager will be able to print USPS shipping labels via ShipRush. Requires an Endicia account and ShipRush. (To use Endicia's Dazzle without using ShipRush, set this to False and PackingUseDazzle to True.) |
PackingUseUPS |
If True, the Order Manager will be able to print UPS shipping labels. Requires a UPS account. |
PackingValuePercentage |
Percent of Product Total to automatically enter into Declared Value field. |
QuickShipLookbackDays |
How old an order can be packed? Enter # of days. Uses Order Date. Enter zero to ignore the date. |
ShipRushFedExUseLocalAcct |
Set to True if using multiple store databases, with different FedEx account numbers (which also must be configured in Ship Rush). |
ShipRushUPSUseLocalAcct |
Set to True if using multiple store databases, with different UPS account numbers (which also must be configured in Ship Rush). |
ShipRushUseScale |
Set to True if you have ShipRush configured to use an electronic scale. Set to False if you do NOT use an electronic scale, or if you use the scale support within the Order Manager. This parameter is phased out in Version 5.929. |
ShipRushUSPSType |
When using ShipRush to print USPS labels, use Endicia for labels with postage, or just print simple labels? |
ShipRushVersion |
Version of ShipRush currently in use. |
UPSStoreDetails |
Store extensive details about each ShipRush UPS shipment in the Tracking table? |
Created: 5/2/11
Modified: 1/12/12