Select Cust. Lookup or press F5 on the keyboard. The Customer Entry dialog box opens.
Optional: Add a new customer record or select Search and find the appropriate customer record.
Select the correct price level for the customer from the drop down list. Price levels must first be defined by the user.
Click Save.
Add line items. There are five ways to add line items:
Select items on the Hot Keys tab.
Scan the barcode on the item.
Type a SKU in the SKU field and press Enter on the keyboard.
Type a barcode in the Barcode field and press Enter or Tab on the keyboard.
Perform a product search by clicking on the Prod. Lookup button or pressing the F6 key.
Enter payment.
Select the Key Pad tab.
Select the appropriate payment method and complete the sale.
Give the receipt to the customer.
Created: 1/120/12
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