Version 5.9
The Order Manager is only able to record the payment information available at the time of import for orders which are exported from a shopping cart that uses the Google Checkout service. The reason for this is that the Google Checkout system is not a synchronous system (transactions processed in real-time), similar to the traditional PayPal system.
Determine the label used by the shopping cart to identify the payment information as coming from Google Checkout by viewing the order XML or by contacting the vendor.
Create a payment method in the Order Manager, using the label identified in the previous step as the name of the payment method. Refer to the Knowledge Base article, Payment Methods, for more information. Skip step 5 in that procedure.
For orders that have been paid by this method appear as "Paid in Full" once they are imported into the Order Manager, set system parameter GoogleCheckoutOrdersArePaidInFull equal to True.
Created: 1/31/12
Modified: 2/6/12
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