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Different Totals on Reports

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If a user runs different reports for a given time period and the results do not match, it is most likely because different reports use different dates. For example, the "Sales Tax" report uses the Order Date but the "Sales Tax from History" report uses the History date. Each report is designed to present information in different ways.


To determine which report template is used by the program when a report title is selected at the Print Reports screen, go to the Main Menu> Maintenance Menu> Maintenance tab> System Parameters> Parameter Group: Reports. Refer to the Report System Parameter Group article for details about parameters that affect reports.


As far as sales reports are concerned, since most merchants do not agree on which date constitutes an actual sale, we offer a number of different sales reports that use different dates. For example, one merchant may consider the date they got paid to be the actual sale date while another merchant may consider the date the order was placed to be the actual sale date. We suggest that the merchant and their accountant decide which date constitutes an actual sale and then use only those reports which use that date.


Additional Information about Standard Reports in the Order Manager

Accounting Summary - AccountingSummaryTemplate



Sales Tax - SalesTaxTemplate



Detailed Sales - DetailedSalesTemplate



Credit Card Deposits - CreditCardDepositsTemplate



Sales Analysis - SalesAnalysisTemplate



Sales and Cost of Goods – SalesAndCOGTemplate



Daily Audit - DailyAuditTemplate



Reports Based on History


Accounting Summary - New Report



Sales Tax From History Report



For information on the availability of the following history reports, contact Stone Edge Technologies.



For additional information about any of the standard reports listed above or to discuss your custom reporting needs, contact Stone Edge Technologies.


Created: 1/19/12

Modified: 9/12/13

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