Introduced in Version 2.01.
If you use a shipper that charges different rates for residential and commercial deliveries, you may want to check imported orders for bad company names, such as Self, Home, N/A or None. You can build a list of names like that, then have the Order Manager any that it finds.
1. Build a list of names to delete. Go to the Maintenance Menu and click [List Maintenance]. At the List Maintenance form, select the list called Company Names to Delete. Build your list of names (None, N/A, Self, etc.)
2. Go to Set System Parameters . In the Orders group, select the parameter called CheckCompanyNames and set it to True.
The check is only done when importing orders from your shopping cart . Both the Ship To and Bill To company names are checked. When bad company names are found, only the company name will be deleted. There will be no other effect on those orders.
Created: 1/31/12
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