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Change Suppliers Screen

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The Change Suppliers screen can be accessed via the Inventory & Suppliers tab of the Maintenance Menu. It is used to add or change the supplier record(s) associated with inventory items. When making any mass changes, it is advisable to first backup the store data file.

The Primary Supplier for a group of products can also be specified at this screen. To be designated as the Primary Supplier of a product simply means that the program will automatically assume that it should re-order additional stock from that supplier by default. It is possible to override that assumption and instruct the program to generate purchase orders with another secondary supplier when necessary.

It is possible to set the Suppliers SKU to the same value as the Local SKU for a group of products (inventory records) simultaneously, with the click of a button. The Unit Cost of products can also be changed at this screen by manually typing in that data.

The Change Suppliers screen has three logical sections, the top section, the left-hand pane and the right-hand pane. Each section offers different methods by which the user can locate SKUs (inventory records) to be changed. Once identified, the user "builds the list of SKUs" or "adds the SKU" to the list of records in the right-hand pane, indicating that those SKUs (inventory records) are eligible to be changed. Changes are not put into effect until the [Make Changes] button is clicked.


Click the Show link next to "In This Topic" at the top of this page to see a series of links in outline form, which can be used to quickly jump to that section of the topic.

In addition, major topics may provide a brief synopsis of a field's purpose or direct the reader to the appropriate section of the topic by scrolling over the image. To return to the previous location within the same page, right-click the mouse and select [Back].

If clicking a field directs the reader to a different Knowledge Base topic, it will open in a new tab or window, leaving the currently viewed topic open. The browser's settings determine whether a new tab or window is opened.

Description of the Change Suppliers Screen

Figure 1: Change Suppliers screen when it is initially opened (default setting is to change the supplier)

Figure 2: Change Suppliers screen when adding a supplier to inventory records

The Select SKUs that: Section

Choose a combination of the following controls to locate SKUs (inventory records) whose information is to be changed:

Begin with: Radio Button

End with: Radio Button

This text: Field

Build List Button

Figure 3

Select SKUs to Modify Section  

This section of the screen provides another method by which SKUs can be located and selected as candidates for change. While this pane may display more than one SKU at a time, it is not possible to move more than a single SKU to the right-hand pane at a time.

Figure 4

Search Button

Add to List Button

SKU Starts With Section

Show All Button

Letter and Number Buttons

Change Type Selection Box (not labeled as such in the program)

Add Supplier Radio Button

Change Supplier Radio Button

Set as Primary Supplier Check Box

Add: Drop-down List:

From: Drop-down List  

To: Drop-down List

The Right-Hand Pane (not labeled as such in the program)

This section of the screen will contain a list of SKUs (inventory records) that are candidates for change.

Figure 5

Delete from list Button

Clear List Button

Make Changes Button

Local SKU Column

Supplier's SKU Column

Unit Cost Column

Add selected supplier's SKU's to list Button

Set Supplier SKU=Local SKU for: Section

Selected Item Radio Button
      • click this button to limit the scope of the Set Supplier's SKU=Local SKU button to a single item (inventory record)

      • to select a single item, click its row

Entire List Radio Button
      • select this button to change the value in the Supplier's SKU field to the value of the corresponding Local SKU field,for every inventory record in the list, when the Set Supplier's SKU=Local SKU button is clicked

Set Supplier's SKU=LocalSKU Button
      • click this button to change the value in the Supplier's SKU field to the value in the Local SKU field

      • the scope of this action is determined by the selection of the Selected Item or Entire List radio buttons

      • to select a single a item, click its row

Help Button

Close Button

How to Build a List of Records to be Changed

Method 1: (Select SKUs that: Section)

  1. Click the [Begin with] or [End with] radio button.

  2. Enter a string of characters to be used as "search" criteria in the This text: field.

  3. If adding a new supplier record to the product, click the [Add Supplier] radio button, and skip to step 5. Otherwise proceed with the next instruction.

  4. The Change Supplier radio button is selected by default when this screen is opened.

    1. Choose the supplier record to be replaced in the From: drop-down list. The selection made here will have no effect on the list of records that will appear in the right-hand pane at this time, the program just requires a value in this field, at this time.

    2. Choose the supplier record that will replace the current supplier record in the To: drop-down list. The selection made here will have no effect on the list of records that will appear in the right-hand pane at this time, the program just requires a value in this field, at this time.

  5. Click the [Build List] button.

  6. A list of records (SKUs) matching the criteria in the This text: field will appear in the right-hand pane.

  7. Continue adding records to the list or proceed with making the desired changes.  

Method 2: (Select SKUs to Modify Section)

Scenario A: Using the Search Button

  1. Click the [Search] button to open the Find a Product/Search Inventory screen. Refer to its Knowledge Base topic in the previous link for information about using that screen.

  2. When a SKU (inventory record) has been selected at that screen, it will then appear in the left-hand pane in the Change Suppliers screen.

  3. Click on the row of the SKU in the Select SKUs to Modify pane to select it.

  4. Click the [Add to List] button to have that record appear in the right-hand pane.

  5. Continue adding other records or proceed with making the desired changes in the right-hand pane.

Scenario B: Using the SKU Starts With Buttons

  1. Click on the button of a number or letter to see a list of records that start with that character in the Select SKUs to Modify pane.

  2. Click on the row the SKU to be changed.

  3. Click the [Add to list] button to have this record appear in the right-hand pane.  

  4. Continue adding other records or proceed with making the desired changes in the right-hand pane.

Method 3: Using the Add selected supplier's SKU's to list Button (bottom of right-hand side)

  1. Click the [Change Supplier] radio button in upper box of the right-hand side of the screen.

  2. Select a supplier in the From: drop-down list.

  3. Click the [Add selected supplier's SKU's to list] button.

  4. All of the inventory records that are associated with the selected supplier will appear in the right-hand pane.

  5. Continue adding other records or proceed with making the desired changes in the right-hand pane.

How to Change Supplier Records of Inventory Items en Masse

  1. Backup the store data file.

  2. Build a list of records to be changed by using one of the methods described elsewhere in this topic.

  3. Click the [Change Supplier] radio button in the top right section of the screen (selected by default when this screen is opened).

  4. Choose the supplier record to be replaced in the From: drop-down list.

  5. Choose the supplier record that will replace the current supplier record in the To: drop-down list

  6. If the new supplier record should be designated as the Primary Supplier for the product records that are being changed, leave the check box marked. Otherwise, un-check the box.  

  7. Click the [Make Changes] button.

  8. The program will prompt for confirmation.

Figure 6

  1. Click [OK] to proceed with the change or [Cancel]  to abort the changes.

  2. The program may prompt the user again if it detects other issues:

Figure 7

  1. Click [OK] to proceed with the change or [Cancel]  to abort the changes and correct the other issues.

  2. Finally, the program prompts the user to acknowledge the completion of the changes.

Figure 8

  1. Click [OK]  to end the dialog.

How to Add a Supplier Record to Inventory Items en Masse

  1. Backup the store data file.

  2. Build a list of records to be changed by using one of the methods described elsewhere in this topic.

  3. Click the [Add Supplier] radio button in the top right section of the screen.

  4. Choose the supplier record to be added in the Add: drop-down list.

  5. If the new supplier record should be designated as the Primary Supplier for the product records that are being changed, leave the check box marked. Otherwise, un-check the box.  

  6. Click the [Make Changes] button.


Created: 7/12/11

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