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PCCharge is a PC-based application that communicates directly with credit card processing banks, similar to a keypad or PIN terminal, without the need for an Internet-based credit card gateway.

The Order Manager works with PCCharge Pro or PCCharge Payment Server (minimum version 5.5.5).

You can use PCCharge for all of your credit card processing, or you can use an Internet gateway (e.g. Authorize.net) for your Web orders and use PCCharge for your POS (Point of Sale) orders so you get the best possible rates on your "card present" transactions.

After setting up and testing PCCharge, you need to set up several system parameters in the Order Manager to tie the two programs together.

Gather the following information prior to configuring the Order Manager: a list of allowed users, the location of the PCCharge installation directory, the processor used and your Merchant ID, and finally, the network names of the PCs that will be used to process payments using the Order Manager.

How the Order Manager Communicates with PCCharge

When processing a transaction, the Order Manager writes a 256 byte fixed-width text file with the extension ".inp" to the installation directory of PCCharge, then awaits a response.


Note: If you use individual PCCharge licenses, the ".inp" file name is based on the user name assigned to each workstation at the Order Manager's List Maintenance form (see User Setup below). For example, if you assign User1 in PCCharge to Workstation1 on your network, when someone runs a transaction from Workstation1, the Order Manager generates a file called "User1.inp" in the PCCharge directory. If you are using the unlimited license option with PCCharge, the file's name is based on the computer's network name. Using the above example the file written to PCCharge would be called "Workstation1.inp".


Once the ".inp" file is written, PCCharge reads the file, changes the extension on the file to ".pro" and processes the transaction. When the transaction is complete, PCCharge writes a response file to the same directory location as the ".inp" file. The file name is the same as the ".inp" file but with an ".out" extension. PCCharge then deletes the ".pro" file (the original .inp file). It is at this point that the Order Manager reads the response file (.out), determines the result based on the data that the file contained, and the deletes the .out file. If the transaction is successful, the Order Manager displays the result; otherwise, it displays an error message that describes the error.

PCCharge Setup

  1. Install and configure PCCharge using the instructions provided by Go Software.

  2. Test the PCCharge installation by processing test transactions directly in the PCCharge interface. Note: Do not attempt to set up the Order Manager to work with PCCharge until you can successfully run transactions in PCCharge.

  3. In the Order Manager, go to the Maintenance Menu>Maintenance tab>Set System Parameters button.

  4. Click on the Credit Cards parameter group.

  5. Click on CreditCardProcessor in the Parameters in Selected Group list.

  6. In the list of available processors (bottom right), select PCCharge and click the Save button. This assigns PCCharge as the processor for orders coming in from your website and the Manual Orders form. If you use the Point of Sale form in the Order Manager, you can assign PCCharge or a different processor for your POS orders by selecting the CreditCardProcessorPOS parameter and selecting the processor you wish to use. Remember to click the Save button afterwards.

  7. Click on PCChargeDirectoryLocation in the Parameters in Selected Group list. Click on the Browse button to navigate to the PCCharge Pro or Payment Server installation directory. The default path for PCCharge Pro is "C:\Program Files\PCCW\" (no quotes) and the default path for Payment Server is "C:\Program Files\Active-Charge\" (no quotes). If you have PCCharge installed on a server (or another PC), you must share the PCCharge installation directory so that all workstations can access it using the same path (see your operating systems Help file for assistance). Click on the Save button to save the path information.

  8. Click on PCChargeUnlimitedUsers from the Parameters in Selected Group list.

  1. If you own an Unlimited User License for PCCharge, set to True.

  2. If you have a license limiting the number of users allowed to use PCCharge, set to False.

  3. Match the computer names to the PCCharge user names for each PC that uses the Order Manager (see User Setup below).  

  4. Click the Save button.

  1. Click on PCChargeProcessorWEB in the Parameters in Selected Group list. Click on the drop down list to select the processor you wish to use to process Web orders and Manual Orders. If you intend to use the Point of Sale system to process orders, select the same or a different processor by selecting the PCChargeProcessorPOS parameter, clicking on the drop down list and choosing the processor you wish to use for Point of Sale transactions. Click the Save button.

  2. Click on PCChargeMerchantIDWEB from the Parameters in Selected Group list. Enter your Merchant ID number for the processor selected in the PCChargeProcessorWEB parameter. Click the Save button. If you intend to use the Point of Sale system to process orders, click on PCChargeMerchantIDPOS and enter your Merchant ID for the processor selected in the PCChargeProcessorPOS parameter. Click the Save button.

  3. Check the settings of the main and/or cart-based system parameter, WebTransactionType to make sure it agrees with your workflow. The choices are Pre-Authorize or Sale. If payments will be captured via the Order Manager, it should be set to Pre-Authorize. If payment is captured at the web store, it should be set to Sale.

User Setup

Note: If you own an Unlimited PCCharge User License, skip this section. If you have a license limiting the number of users allowed to use PCCharge, set to How the Order Manager Communicates with PCCharge above).


To identify the PCCharge users in the Order Manager by the workstation's network name, go to the Maintenance Menu>Maintenance tab>List Maintenance button:


  1. Click on PCCharge from the Select List section of the form.

  2. Enter the workstation's name (i.e. network name) into the Workstation Name field or click on the This Computer button, if visible (available in version 1.206 and above).

  3. Enter the PCCharge User Name assigned to the selected workstation in the PCChg User Name field.

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Repeat the steps above for each workstation that will use the Order Manager with PCCharge.


Created: 1/30/12

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