Monsoon Data Validation for Product Export
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Product data to be exported from Stone Edge to a Monsoon Shopping
cart is validated against the criteria outlined in this topic.
Product Export Data Validation Points
All Fields
- Carriage Return, Line Feed and Tab characters are removed
ASIN Field
- maximum of 10 characters
- dashes and spaces are removed
- alphanumeric
Classification Field
- multiple classifications must be colon-delimited
Collectable Field
Condition Field
Dimensions (Height, Length, Width)
- cannot exceed 19 digits, including a maximum of 4 decimal places
Fulfillment Latency Field
- if no value is entered, this field is set to zero by default
IAN or EAN Fields
- compared against standard barcode algorithm to verify legitimacy
of the value in these fields
- can be 12 or 13 characters
- numeric only
ISBN Field
- dashes and spaces are removed
- can be 10 - 13 characters in length
- alphanumeric
Keywords Field
- multiple entries are comma-delimited
QOH Field
- maximum value of 32,000
- can be 12 or 13 characters
- numeric only
SKU Field
- must be less than or equal to 63 characters
UPC Field
- compared against standard barcode algorithm to verify legitimacy
of the value in this field
- can be 8, 12 or 13 characters
- numeric only
Created: 1/3/12
Revised: 11/7/14
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